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“Lin is not just my trainer, I see him as my friend an inspiration and someone that will expose your true potential. Even when your are in the worst of moods, he brightens your outlook on life and gets you raring to go. He is hardworking and through him I have learnt so many new skills and techniques in boxing. I will be looking forward to learning much more!”​.
Dawid, Client

“Lin is one of the most charismatic, fun and energetic people I have ever trained with. Although he is a very gentle and good natured person, he does not let me slack off while training. He is strict , precise and makes sure you get the results you are looking for. He gives clear demonstrations and is willing to go over techniques many times in order for you to get it correct. He is very motivating and knows just how to keep you going. He pushes you to and past your limits and proves you can do things you never thought you could. Within a few sessions he has got me doing very flashy looking moves on the pads. I have been training with Lin for more than 6 months now and shed loads of weight and feel so much more stronger and confident. I cant get enough of boxing with him".
Ali, Client

“ Lin has inspired and motivated me to go that extra mile to achieve my fitness goals. He has taught me how to use various training techniques to achieve maximum results. I have always wanted a particular look whch is muscular and he has truly helped me to achieve that. His boxing routines are something to be reckoned with. they are fast, intense but most of all are great fun. Would definitely recommend”​.
Anna, Client

“From the moment I met Lin I knew he had the great ability to motivate and to boost people's confidence. There have been occasions where my mind was telling me I wanted to stop, but he taught me not only what my body is capable of but how to push myself mentally. His sessions include a variety of differeent physical challenges and can be tailored to suit any age, shape and ability. His boxing sessions are immense and highly enjoyable. Each session has given me the drive to continue as results are shown!
Serlina, Client

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